Big Data and Cyber Security – Answers You Might Want to Know

Stealing is not a new concept, but threats to the digital world morph incessantly.  Big Data analytics company Sqrrl is expert on detecting data anomalies and in turn potential threats to your data sources.

Sqrrl is hosting a webinar for the latest and greatest in cyber security with Richard Stiennon, industry analyst and author of Surviving Cyberwar, and from Luis Maldonado, Sqrrl VP of Products.  Check it out.

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Evolution in cybersecurity is the norm. As computer threats evolve, so have defenses. The debilitating effect of viruses borne by email gave rise to the what is now a vast anti-virus infrastructure. The rise of network-based attacks created the incrementalism of constant updates to IDS and IPS. The inability to make sense of millions of IDS alerts gave rise to SIEM solutions.

This approach to IT security, while addressing the need for operational hygiene, does not counter targeted attacks.  It are the targeted attackers and insiders that are taking advantage of the focus on incremental defensive improvements to sidestep defenses and achieve their objectives. The revolution that is occurring in cybersecurity is based on discovering these threats without the use of signatures and predefined correlation rules. The use of Big Data analytics can enable a new breed of cyber incident detection and response.

Join us on March 18 at 1 PM to hear from Richard Stiennon, industry analyst and author of Surviving Cyberwar, and from Luis Maldonado, Sqrrl VP of Products. In this webinar you will learn:

  • Richard’s perspective on cybersecurity evolution vs. revolution, and the reason he had to put his next book, Cyber Defense, on hold as the security industry plays catch up against attackers.

  • How Sqrrl is on the forefront of the revolution in cybersecurity by leveraging Big Data Analytics and Linked Data techniques

  • How the Sqrrl Enterprise tool unites cyber incident detection and response efforts and is used for cyber hunting, APT mitigation, and insider threat response.