
Rule #4 of Artificial Intelligence: no context.  

#AIbots have been trained to do many mundane, repetitive jobs. Training involves utilizing data sets with often millions of data points. Without enthusiasm or angst, the AI ingests these volumes of data and returns outcomes by direction of its creator.  Given x-ray images of healthy and diseased lungs, we have to tell the AI which is good and bad. AIs are “rewarded” for correctly identifying the difference.

But an AI doesn’t know what a lung is, how it works, that it actually exists inside a person or what a person is. 

#Google was the first major developer in #recognition when it looped together 16,000 computer processors with one billion connections in order for it to watch #YouTube and find . . . cats.  This was a tremendous breakthrough for 2012, but isn’t this what a 5 year old understands without seeing millions of videos?

And a toddler knows colors and textures and if the cat is missing an eye or leg or tail. He or she knows cats are pets and most are found in or around homes. Cats walk on four legs; they don’t swim. Not everyone likes cats but they are loveable. 

This is context and the richness of a five year old’s perception outweighs a million data points.