Come and get it!!

My pre-launch book sale campaign is underway!! Here’s a taste of what’s up for sale!

What’s Your Problem

Solving world hunger or fending off COVID-19 are a different problem space than what’s for dinner. It’s pretty easy to follow that distinction; however, it’s important now because we do have much more information and many more tools for tackling the former. Twenty years ago, solving world hunger seemed to be a matter of getting the best minds together with a sufficient checkbook. The matrix of issues and identities though is much more complicated than just ideas and the finances to back them. Although it does take funds to make things happen, the funds don’t solve the problem of itself.

Better understanding the dimensions of problems determines solution space as well as tools and methods for addressing its aspects and effects – because it may or may not be solvable.

“We are doomed to choose” – Isaiah Berlin

The world and its problems are becoming more complex. 

The world and its problems are becoming much more intricately entwined.

We all need to make better data decisions because subsequently the world we live in is subject to greater reactions and effects.

We gotta figure this out. We can’t just keep pushing more and more words and numbers into documents without providing a way to comprehend them better.

I may vomit. This part of writing a book is the hardest – actually trying to get people to buy it. For those who’ve been following my book posts on LinkedIn and Facebook, this is the pre-sale campaign I’ve been hinting at for the past few months. Now that I’m in the revision phases of my manuscript and have New Degree Press as my publisher, I now get to worry about funding the actual publication process!

If you’d like to help me on my publishing journey, please pre-order a signed copy by clicking here!

Great News!

I have been “greenlit” by #newdegreepress. They’ve reviewed my work so far on my book “The Fallacy of Laying Flat”. I’ve got the words, the format and the concept in control and on track.  My first draft is due late February for publishing by the fall of #2022. Wish me luck! This is tough stuff!! I couldn’t have done it without the wisdom and support of #bookcreators and #georgetownuniversity#publishing #authorlife #bigdata #decisionmaking #decisionintelligence #data4good #data